- OBD2 GPS Vehicle Tracker
- 5 or 10 Second Updates
- Live Trac Software Platform
Recommended For:
- Vehicle Tracking
- Small Business
- Personal Tracking
Subscription Plans:
10 Second Tracking - $29.95 per month. No Contracts.
5 Second Tracking - $39.95 per month. No Contracts.
Live Trac - Web Based GPS Tracking
View vehicle locations from any web enabled computer or smartphone. View your vehicle's exact location 24/7.
Comprehensive all-inclusive unlimited tracking, position updates every 10 seconds when moving, every turn, and every hour when the ignition is off. Know where you vehicle is with certainty. Instantly view vehicle history and know where it has been with pinpoint accuracy.
The LiveViewGPS Difference
We use dependable, proven and tested hardware components that are guaranteed to simply work as advertised right out of the box. Our bulletproof software applications are simple and easy to use! No hassles, no headaches. We fully support what we sell with customer service that counts.